Hi, with the present message I want to express my wish to participate in the elections for the next BoD
*Who am I* Osvaldo Gervasi, 60 years, married, 1 daughter (28) and 2 sons (26,17). Associate Professor (Information Processing Systems) at Perugia University, Italy. Presently Director at TDF and member of the LibreOffice Documentation Team. >From 2007 to 2013 President of the Open Source Competence Center (CCOS) of Regione Umbria, as such promoter of the LibreUmbria project. Member of TDF since 2013, Migration and Trainer Certified Professional. Fan of LibreOffice since the beginning of the Project (before fan of OpenOffice, which I promoted in particular since 2007) and of FLOSS in General. Member of the Team of LibreDifesa project. *Why I apply for the new BoD seat:* I want to run for a seat in the next BoD after two years of the exciting experience as Director, to have the chance to further contribute to the project. I want to promote LibreOffice among University students, in particular Engineers and Computer Scientists in order to let them approach the development of such a great software with the moral incentive of TDF, removing the barriers that they may encounter and facilitating their work. I would also stimulate students and teachers to select, for the Bachelor and Master Thesis, a task related to LibreOffice development, with a special attention to CODE and LibreOffice On Line. In fact, I think we have to increase the number of developers. I think that is necessary to stimulate and promote donations. Furthermore, I think that it is necessary to morally support local communities in promoting LibreOffice and Open Formats, particularly among young generations Full name: Osvaldo Gervasi Emails: ogerv...@libreoffice.org, osvaldo.gerv...@gmail.com Affiliation: The University of Perugia, Italy *My official Candidacy Statement:* I want to run for a seat in the next BoD after two years of the exciting experience as Director, to have the chance to further contribute to the project. In particular I want to promote LibreOffice among University students, in particular Engineers and Computer Scientists in order to let them approach the development of such a great software with the help of TDF, removing the barriers that they may encounter and facilitating their work. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me (mobile phone: +39 3485109938) -- Osvaldo Gervasi Director, The Document Foundation Dip. Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Perugia Via Vanvitelli, 1 06123 Perugia (Italy) Mobile: +393485109938 hangout: osvaldo.gerv...@gmail.com