Hi Cor, all,

Am 31.10.2017 um 08:45 schrieb Cor Nouws:
> Hi Andreas, all,
> Andreas Mantke wrote on 30-10-17 23:08:
>> The number of remaining active members of the MC is one issue. The other
>> one is the role of the MC in connection to the board (and the other way
>> around). The tasks (and power) of the MC are written in § 12 I of the
>> statutes. The statutes foresee that the MC act as independent as
>> possible from the board (and the other way around too). Thus the people
>> acting on both bodies shouldn't have immunity of witness because of a or
>> economic dependence to a member of the the other body.
> There is indeed always the situation that people have contact with each
> other, either for work in TDF, business, because of friendship, or
> avoiding because of (ancient) conflict. These may influence how one acts

that's not the topic, I wrote about. I wrote about very close personal
or economic connections, not the usual friendship etc.

Kind regards,
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