
Florian Effenberger píše v Čt 31. 03. 2016 v 14:28 +0200:

> The proposal is:
> Change our travel policy at 
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Policies/Travel#Personal_Cars to 
> read
> Old: "The use of personal cars is permitted, if this is the most 
> economic transportation. Using a personal car in any case needs a signed 
> travel report, including kilometers travelled. TDF will refund 0.30€ per 
> _distance_ kilometer."
> New: "The use of personal cars is permitted, if this is the most 
> economic transportation. Using a personal car in any case needs a signed 
> travel report, including kilometers travelled. TDF will refund 0.30€ per 
> _driven_ kilometer.
> TDF asks everyone to use the most cost efficient end-to-end means of 
> transport for yourself, team-mates and materials. When cheaper public 
> transportation is available, it should be preferred. Transporting event 
> materials or excessive transfer times might be reasons for exemption. If 
> in any doubt, please get confirmation before travel."



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