On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Charles-H. Schulz <charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org> wrote: > Dear candidates to the board of directors of the Document Foundation, > > 1. Do you commit yourself to have enough time and the necessary > technological tools in order to participate to the regularly scheduled board > calls? I have made the time in the past five years for the ESC, for the Membership Committee, for which I wrote the 'technological tools', and for the BoD.
> > 2. Do you commit yourself to follow up and work on (at least) the main items > and actions you have volunteered to oversee or that have been attributed to > you by the board? Yes, by 'volunteering' to do a task, by definition I commit myself to doing it... No I do not commit myself to be designated volunteer and be 'attributed' task without my consent. In practice I have a very good attendance record, and I tend to deliver what I promise and try not to over-promise. > > > 3. What are your views on the foundation's budget? How should the money be > spent, besides our fixed costs? There is no reason to exclude our 'fixed' cost of the analysis. In fact, rampant increase of fixed/recurring cost is a concern to me, as such can make it painful to adjust our expense level to a fluctuating income stream. as for how the money should be spent: as I said in my earlier statement: + Favor spending directed directly to support the community of volunteer to have the tools needed to work, to be able to communicate and interact with each other. + Favor project driven by volunteer committed to bring them to fruition. In other work, helping those that are helping themselves In other words: if you need resource to support your volunteer efforts, you'll find a sympathetic hear. If you just want money to be thrown at a problem, but are not willing to actually do anything about it yourself... then I'm much, much more reluctant. > > 4. Should we work towards broadening our pool of contributors, both > technical and non-technical? Why the artificial divide ? and why the focus on this particular axe. Of course the more _contributors_ the better. There are plenty of activities that can benefit from even more contributors, all of them are 'technical' in their own right, from Documentation to Coding, from QA to l10n, from Infra to RelEng, each of these activities and plenty others, need skills and hard work, each require the mastery of some techniques. In any case it is misunderstanding the role and power of the board, to reduce the growing of the community to the Board's will. > > > 5. Should the Foundation -as an entity distinct from the LibreOffice project > or the Document Liberation project- engage into growing its influence and > promoting and defending Free Software and Digital Freedom? It is, after all, > an integral part of its mission per its very Statutes. It is a bit troubling when you answer your own questions. Of course what the statues actually say is: "spreading the philosophical and cultural ideals of FLOSS" I certainly agree with that. > > > 6. How do you view your (potential) role as a member of the board of > directors, given that this position does not give you any specific > functional role inside the LibreOffice or Document Liberation projects? I view my role in the BoD as a steward. My goal is to make sure that the 10's of thousand of 10 euros donations entrusted to us by individuals all over the world are spent wisely and fairly -- within the legal constraints imposed on the foundation -- on things that support the community that make these projects exists and thrive. The board is not a group of exalted visionaries. The board is an administrative body whose function is to insure and orderly functioning of the Foundation itself -- work which mostly consist in administrative trivia. The foundation's purpose is to provide a home to the community of volunteers.. the volunteers are the one that bring visions and direction by they collective work. The BoD is not a 'leader' it is a 'Shepard' > > > 7. What is the biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What is > its biggest opportunity? Both boils down to the same topic. On one hand the foundation benefit from a wide support by the public, providing it with substantial financial support, on the other hand, as a foundation we have some difficulties to 'execute'. We are a volunteer and meritocratic organization. that means, to me, that we, as a board, should support the volunteer that show up to work, and discourage the make-a-whish attitude. Norbert -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/ Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive: http://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/board-discuss/ All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted