Hi guys, Just a quick note to say that I intend to run again for a seat on the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation.
* Who am I ? I'm Michael Meeks: Christian, Husband, Hacker, 38 years old, affiliated with Collabora. My day job is to try to rapidly grow the economic ecosystem around LibreOffice for the benefit of all including Collabora - what that means is encouraging more people to pay for more features, fixes & goodness to go into LibreOffice. I also love to hack on the code where I can, and to mentor and include new hackers. I started poking at the code-base before it was open-sourced in 2000, and have served with the team creating LibreOffice from the very beginning in various technical and non-technical roles: inside the Engineering Steering Committee, as a Board member, and primarily as a code contributor and evangelist. * Why am I running? I'd like to offer whatever benefits a whole career's worth of experience of mistakes, blunders, failures (mostly my own) and occasional successes (mostly other people's) can bring to the daily life of running TDF. I can type at reasonable speed, and write interactive minutes of calls with reasonable accuracy, helping to make meeting decisions clear in retrospect. I've also had the privilege of being involved in the creation, hiring, management & bootstrapping of several teams of both paid and unpaid developers over the years - which is perhaps useful as TDF continues to grow and invest. I also believe it is critical for us to continue to safeguard our can-do and relational culture, empowering individuals to make friends and get things done while resisting distrust, un-necessary process creep and beaurocracy as we grow. One of my priorities is working towards the goal of being a fluid and adaptive organisation, always open to new and better ideas, new participants and new and better ways of doing things. Finally - I'm a believer in Free Software; while I am critically interested in ensuring that TDF remains a great place for companies to invest and sell services around the software I'm committed to making that the right conditions remain in place for them to contribute effectively back to the project and work well together with volunteers around the common codebase. * 75 word formal candidacy: I'd love to serve you again on the board: as a Free Software advocate, with passion for LibreOffice, deep TDF board knowledge, lots of generic business experience: legal, budgeting, interviewing, management, yet also eager to keep LibreOffice fun and free. I've a long history of contribution to different FLOSS communities in various ways, am currently betting the business on LibreOffice and its success, but also want to help to grow our volunteer participation. * Happy to answer any questions of course. > 1. Do you commit yourself to have enough time and the necessary > technological tools in order to participate to the regularly > scheduled board calls? Naturally. > 2. Do you commit yourself to follow up and work on (at least) the > main items and actions you have volunteered to oversee or that have > been attributed to you by the board? Sure. > 3. What are your views on the foundation's budget? How should the > money be spent, besides our fixed costs? I rather like the current ranking scheme, which allows board members to each give their input - and then produces an average rank that we sort by against a fixed budget amount. While that sometimes misses things I care deeply about - it seems to produce a good overall result. So what would I rank highly ? really hard to say - I think we need a good balance in the project between all of the different development disciplines from coding, to QA, to translation, documentation. We also need to do marketing, NLP work etc. So the answer changes over time as we identify and plug holes with our reasonably limited resources. > 4. Should we work towards broadening our pool of contributors, > both technical and non-technical? Naturally - although my personal focus is on the technical side - we clearly need more developers, and I'd like us to put emphasis in our marketing and investment on growing and deepening the project from a technical, and feature basis: so I'd prefer to invest in eg. better documentation instead of to-end-user marketing, or in improving automated QA rather than encouraging large enterprises to use LibreOffice for free. I think we need to make the project as easy as possible for new non-technical people to get involved with - and let them rapidly climb the ladder to core contribution in whichever part of the project they want to make a difference in. > 5. Should the Foundation -as an entity distinct from the LibreOffice > project or the Document Liberation project- engage into growing its > influence and promoting and defending Free Software and Digital > Freedom? It is, after all, an integral part of its mission per its > very Statutes. If yes, do you have ideas on what should be done > about this? I would say that what we do currently almost by definition promotes Free Software - but of course we can do more to promote freedom generally of course. Beyond that, I think that focus is a non-renewable asset, and that diluting it to the point that we forget that we're overseeing a group of contributors passionate about creating LibreOffice (and of course Document Liberation - to not forget the great work there) is unwise. This needs to be the focus of what we do: making it better, more fun, more rewarding, and more effective to get involved in LibreOffice. > 6. How do you view your (potential) role as a member of the board of > directors, given that this position does not give you any specific > functional role inside the LibreOffice or Document Liberation > projects? It means meetings, annoyance, responsibility, handling conflict, working on compromises, trying to see the best in those you disagree with, and all the general pain of day to day political interaction and oversight. Basically, lots of rather hard work - at least that's my experience. It can also be fun. > 7. What is the biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? > What is its biggest opportunity? I think the biggest risk to TDF is complacency: thinking that we have already arrived, and becoming cautious of change. In fact - we are still a factor of 5+ times too small as a community, and need to invest hard and carefully to grow our market share and relevance. Wrt. greatest opportunities - that is pretty obvious to me, to make LibreOffice -so- good (from a technical perspective), that it becomes the dominant productivity application worldwide, delivering both Software and Document Freedom to billions; and in doing so provide space for jobs, businesses and other opportunities to allow those who love to work on the project to do so more. Thanks for reading this far - if you made it :-) -- michael.me...@collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/ Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive: http://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/board-discuss/ All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted