Hi All,
> Dear colleagues,
> per § 9 I of our statutes [1], the Board of Directors is required to
> have one formal meeting per year, with both the invitation issued and
> the agenda fixed no later than two weeks in advance.
> I hereby, in my role as Chairman of The Document Foundation,
> officially invite the Board of Directors as well as its deputies to a
> formal meeting on
>          Saturday, September 26th,
>          at 08:00 UTC (i.e. 10:00 local time, UTC+2/CEST)
>          during the LibreOffice Conference 2015
I may try to make this via phone if that's okay. It'll be late Friday night but 
if possible I'd like to call in.


Joel Madero, Member of the Board of Directors
GPG Key ID: 0x8FFB1B14 - EE32 6D0F 81FF 6FAC 5AD8 10E4 0141 27C6 8FFB 1B14
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