On Sun, 2014-11-09 at 18:47 +0100, Italo Vignoli wrote:
> I will represent the project at the upcoming SFScon in Bolzano, on
> November 14. This year, we will have a 2 hours long workshop in the
> afternoon, focused on migrations and certification, in addition to a
> booth (staffed by local TDF members).
> I will have to travel by car to bring booth materials with me, and
> therefore I am asking to cover travel expenses (fuel plus tolls: Euro 90
> + Euro 41.20) and lodging for two nights (Euro 40 + Euro 55).

        Seems obviously sensible to me =) isn't there a marketing budget for
easy approval of such things ? seems too obvious to need a board vote /
distraction to me.



 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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