On Tue, 2012-02-28 at 21:31 +0100, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Hi Drew,
> drewjensen wrote on 2012-02-28 20:47:
> > I simply wanted to comment on one aspect of Florian's email - the idea that
> > discussion regarding community by-laws was taking place in private. I
> > personally can not imagine any scenario where such would be acceptable.
> what exactly are you referring to? The community bylaws have not even 
> been drafted yet in the form we legally need them as defined in the 
> statutes.
Hi Florian

From the first email in this thread:

> Hi,
> Charles-H.Schulz wrote on 2012-02-06 18:25:
> > Private sending first. Attached are a set of similar yet simplified
> > community bylaws. What was modified:
> sorry for being so late on this, Charles. Replying in public, since I 
> think the topic is interesting to everyone.

Does it make more sense now - also it need not be a major discussion,
it's just a comment.


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