On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Florian Effenberger
<flo...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> sorry for this much spam today. ;-)
> Duty of the newly elected BoD is to decide whether we should freeze
> membership applications, or whether we should simply not allow members new
> during the MC election period to vote.
> From my POV, it is much "cleaner" to not accept new members during the
> election period, and freeze applications until the new MC is in place This
> will prevent confusion who is eligible to vote and who isn't, and will also
> prevent any possible conflict of interest, since it would be the existing
> MC, from which some members might run for elections, to decide on these
> applications.

I do not see the conflict.
Either way these MC members running for re-election can approve new
member before the freeze-date
Either way these MC members cannot benefit from approving membership
after the freeze (they cannot stuff the ballot since anyone approved
post freeze would not be eligible for that election)

The confusion is minimal since any membership approval is timestamped:
The date of the MC session that validated the membership. The only
confusion would be if the MC were to hold a session on the date of the
freeze, otherwise it is clear an un-arguable.

On the other hand, freezing completely the membership process during
election is not very nice for new potential members, as it would mean
extending by 1 to 2 month the 'waiting period' of the one that picked
a bad date to start contributing :-)


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