Hi Norbert,

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Norbert Thiebaud <nthieb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But here you are taking advantage of the fact that these candidates
> happen to also be core developer to corner them.

Of course. :-) That's "politics" right? But seriously, this is - to
me, a non-dev but someone who would dearly like to be able to step
across the threshold - a crucial issue. Perhaps established devs do
not see it like that. But, as a technical documentation professional,
perhaps I see it in a different light.

In any case, I can tell you - and you perhaps already know this well
through your own work - in a commercial environment, programmers are
generally expected - *contractually required* - to properly document
their product, especially from the design and maintenance viewpoint.

For me, the LibreOffice project can only gain in credibility and
numbers of "hackers" from having design documentation that opens the
doors to a much larger number of code contributors and maintainers.

Fed up with hearing people demanding features that can't be
implemented or that you don't have time to implement? Provide good
design documentation and a) they might understand better the reasons
for the non-feasibility or b) they might start offering more patches
and practical contributions to implementation.

I realise that some people will feel that this design documentation
will be a non-optimal usage of valuable core dev time, and will hold
up (only slightly) dev work.
But I am convinced that it will bring real fruits in terms of
contributor recruitment - more individual hackers but also
enterprise/organizational contributors.

I also feel it will enhance the project's image and credibility, and
will set an important example in the Open Source community in general
and to our audiences in particular.

The availability of decent design documentation can certainly be a
deciding factor for many potential organizational and enterprise

> Their candidacy to the Board and the task they propose to tackle is
> completely orthogonal to your proposal, the best proof is that you did
> not ask such commitment from Italo.

Sincerely, I feel that, as a TDF member, I have every right - duty
even - to inform myself about the policies and attitudes of the
candidates, and to see what their responses are to my specific

Voilà, with a friendly smile. :-)

David Nelson

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