Hi all,

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Andre Schnabel <andre.schna...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Von: Thorsten Behrens <t...@documentfoundation.org>
>> A local, native-lang NGO, that is in good standing with TDF, and
>> fulfills the following prerequisites
>>  * has at least three NGO members, that are accepted TDF members at
>>    the same time
>>  * is an non-profit organisation
>>  * has, in the past year, organised or participated in at least one
>>    local or native-lang event, that was promoting or helping
>>    LibreOffice
>> can ask for having their donation details listed on the native lang
>> download and extension pages, below the generic TDF one. Multiple
>> NGOs per native-lang category can apply, and are listed in order of
>> application.
>> Listed NGOs are reviewed after one year.
>> Let's have this approved as a preliminary rule, and refine it during
>> the LibreOffice conference.
> Fine with me as preliminary rule, so
>   +1
+1 too
> Just as random ideas, what needs to be refined later:
> - who at TDF should decide if the criterias are met (I'd guess BoD, maybe MC)
> - what's the timeframe for checking if the criteria are still in place
> (1 year?)
MC is a good candidate.
Having the same timeframe as membership would be a good idea too if
it's linked to the criteria.

Kind regards
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