On 13/09/2011 08:43, Ian Lynch wrote:
I think part of the problem is the rise of client server databases with the
internet. It's a bit of an irony because to start with OOo used the
principle of connecting to a database rather than including the old Addabas
that was with StarOffice. Snag now is that even if the use of Base is
minority it's difficult to withdraw it without upsetting them.

Sent from my Android Smartphone.

On 13 Sep 2011 00:16, "Tom Davies"<tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk>  wrote:

Hi :)
Done that.  Been there.  It didn't work.  Base is dying. Can we just admit
that and remove it from LO?
Regards from
Tom :)

Why not find a way to integrate connectivity to all the major databases such as mysql and MsSQL servers?

--- On Mon, 12/9/11, Thorsten Behrens<t...@documentfoundation.org>  wrote:

From: Thorsten Behrens<t...@documentfoundation.org>

Subject: Re: [steering-discuss] Base - a new mailing list?
To: "Tom Davies"<tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: steering-discuss@documentfoundation.org
Date: Monday, 12 September, 2011, 15:34

Tom Davies wrote:
Do you mean how many expressed an interest and tried to give it a
go during t...

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