
> Von: Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>

> Tom Davies wrote on 2011-08-17 12:48:
> > I think that counts as 6 votes with none against, so it's "nem con" or
> > something.  The votes from deputies doesn't count if the  people they
> are
> > deputies for have voted.  Not that it makes much difference since it's
> still a
> > strong majority with none against.
> I think so, too - but André planned the page, so maybe he has some 
> insight on how to have the wording ;)

well .. this has not so much to do with the "page design" ;)

But I agree to count 6 votes (rather 7 as Olivier also approved).
We can list two positive deputy votes not counting for the decision.


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