
so - no comments or objections means, that the draft is just to good to be changed? ;)

If yes, I'd like to have a vote on this in the next SC meeting.



Am 04.07.2011 20:16, schrieb André Schnabel:

as the SC is obligated to end it's existence, we need to think about BoD

According to our bylaws we have only one fixed period to consider: we
need to announce the elections 45 days in advance. But I think, we need
to have some more milestones in the process.

A rough draft for a time line might look like this:

-45    18.07.11    Announce elections
                    prepare infrastructure
                    document election process details ...
-28    04.08.11    freeze membership applications
-27    05.08.11    start nomination,
                    introduction of nominees
                    discussion with nominees ...
  -3    29.08.11    publish final list of nominees
   0    01.09.11    Start of elections
                    elections running
+14    15.09.11    elections closed
                    counting votes,
+17    18.09.11    publish result
                    time to appeal
+22    23.09.11    publish final result

I hope, this gives almost all of our members the chance to take part in
the elections (given the fact, that we have summer vacation time at the
northern hemisphere).

There is not much room to shift the elections or to have longer periods.
Unless we keep the SC in place for some weeks more - e.g. until our
conference - but I would not prefer to do so.

We should also not start much earlier, as we still need to have the
legal statutes for the foundation. We should have a "very close to final
draft" of the statutes before we call for nominations.



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