Hey guys i have used mumble and its a great secure app and very low latency.

One big perk is your not restricted on listeners. it depends on the configuration on how many listeners you can have.

I am wondering if we can take for instance other things to it like development. discussions and work to a channel on there.

On 23/06/2011 00:54, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Alexander Werner wrote:
I have setup a default mumble-server installation on
vm3.documentfoundation.org, port 64738.
Anyone who likes to test mumble, please log in with your desired
username, then right klick on your user in the channel list and select
"register". Then drop me a short note and I will give you admin rights.

However, we can try to combine it with phones (Asterisk :-) and we can
also use these tools when for a dedicated call, e.g. for certain teams,
this solution without phones is enough.
The channel and ACL-centric approach in mumble is very suitable for
teaming, and having another tool at hand is never wrong I think.

I wrote:
David Emmerich Jourdain wrote:
I would suggest that (maybe) be interesting to test the TeamSpeak.
We can configure a service on a TDF-server to receive the calls, and each
participant will have a login to use it in these calls.

Hm, if we go for our own solution - I'd rather suggest Mumble
(http://mumble.sourceforge.net/). That reportedly works very well
for a number of people.

So it seems we already have a mumble test install - please sync with
Alex for trials.


-- Thorsten

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