On 6/10/11 1:32 PM, Simon Phipps wrote:
The lesson I have learned is that I should treat each error in an article where I am the source as my own failure to present the information in a way that was effective for the journalist. On the other hand, as a journalist I always appreciate rapid, polite, factual and constructive corrections to my articles and apply them as soon as I can.
Of course, it was my fault, but during the call we went over so many things that would have been difficult for him to report without a glitch.
Although going through the article quickly I didn't notice the 30 MB problem. I will ping Iain about it as well.
-- Italo Vignoli italo.vign...@gmail.com mobile +39.348.5653829 VoIP +39.02.320621813 skype italovignoli -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to steering-discuss+h...@documentfoundation.org Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive: http://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/steering-discuss/ All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted