Florian Effenberger wrote on 2011-06-03 15.06:
ideally, I would like to have feedback from all SC seat holders *and*
their deputies. So, about 12 voices are still missing in the poll. :-)
I will close the poll by Monday morning (German time). Right now, it
looks like future calls will be
Wednesday, 1600 UTC (7 votes)
and the next week on
Saturday, 1400 UTC (9 votes)
You can still make changes or add your vote, until the poll is closed.
Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
Steering Committee and Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/Identi.ca: @floeff
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