On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 11:38 +0100, Thorsten Behrens wrote: > Charles-H. Schulz wrote: > > As described in the last confcall minutes, I would like to call for a formal > > approval from the SC on considering a yet undefined online component for > > LibreOffice as a strategic option. This would not of course diminish our > > present efforts on LibreOffice. > > > +1
>From my side, an online LibreOffice, weboffice or whatever is probably a "good thing" tm, so sure, +1. > There is a GSoC proposal for a HTML5/Canvas renderer for LibreOffice > (http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Gsoc/Ideas#HTML5_.2F_Canvas_Rendering) > which we should base this on. ;) I'm not enthused about strategic options, I'm more of a show me the f**king code kind of a guy, so the approach Thorsten points to is a plausible implementation direction that should be encouraged. C. -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to steering-discuss+h...@documentfoundation.org List archive: http://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/steering-discuss/ *** All posts to this list are publicly archived for eternity ***