On 1/24/11 6:08 AM, Sophie Gautier wrote:

I would like to clarify the different initiatives taking part of the LibreOffice documentation:

- The ODFAuthors (exOOoAuhtors) is the oldest initiative, hosted now by TDF, who has proven its capacity to produce and federate members by the guides and books covering all the suite it has produced. Several of our members are part of this initiative since a long time and they work on several languages.

- The Alfresco initiative is just born, pushed by David Nelson and has, for the moment and due to his very young age, produced nothing. It aims to work on dedicated LibreOffice documentation on different forms. It his hosted by David Nelson and supported by TDF.

- I'm pushing another initiative dedicated to t9n using xliff file format on Pootle to allow TM and glossaries. This initiative needs to be evaluated and pushed or abandoned following the feedback of the translators.

Even if the ODFAuthors initiative has proven his ability to federate and convey users to our project, this should not prevent other initiatives to take place. Each initiative is welcome if it constitutes an emulation and not a competition et if it contributes at the openness and complementarity of the participations.

Members get the same merit whether they participate to one or another and are respected at the same level. These initiatives are here to provide choices and our contributors will be free to choose the one that better answer their wishes. Other initiatives will take place in the future and they will be welcomed and evaluated in the same way.

I hope this is clear for every body and I will add an introduction of the different initiatives on the welcome documentation page of the wiki.

Kind regard
Are we going to have a page on the site that will list all sites that are 3rd party initiatives but have the backing of the TDF?

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