On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 10:32:15AM -0400, Peter Todd wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 01:17:01AM -0500, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> > This is why I clone git to mercurial, which is generally designed around the
> > assumption that history is immutable. You can't rewrite blockchain history,
> > and we should not be re-writing (rebasing) commit history either.
> Git commits serve two purposes: recording public history and
> communication.  While for the purpose of recording history immutable
> commits make sense, for the purpose of communicating to other developers
> what changes should be added to that history you *do* want the mutable
> commits that git's rebase functionality supports. Much like how
> university math classes essentially never teach calculus in the order it
> was developed, it is rare indeed for the way you happened to develop
> some functionality to be the best sequence of changes for other
> developers to understand why and what is being changed.
> Anyway, just because mercurial is designed around the assumption that
> commit history is immutable doesn't mean it actually is; an attacker can
> fake a series of mercurial commits just as easily as they can git
> commits. The only thing that protects against history rewriting is
> signed commits and timestamps.

What I would really like is a frontend and/or integration to Git/Mercurial that
uses Bitcoin transactions *as* the signature, which has the nice side effect of
providing timestamps backed by the full faith and credit of a billion dollar
blockchain. So what is the best way for me to stick both a git *and* a
mercurial identity hash into a bitcoin transaction?  (which leads to point 2
> > The problem with github is it's too tempting to look at the *web page*, 
> > which 
> > is NOT pgp-signed, and hit the 'approve' button when you might have someone
> > in the middle approving an unsigned changeset because you're in a hurry to
> > get the latest new critical OpenSSL 0day security patch build released.
> > 
> > We need multiple redundant 'master' repositories run by different people in
> > different jurisdictions that get updated on different schedules, and have 
> > all
> > of these people pay attention to operational security, and not just 
> > outsource
> > it all to github because it's convenient.
> The easiest and most useful way to achieve that would be to have a
> formal program of code review, perhaps on a per-release basis, that
> reviewed the diffs between the previous release and the new one. Master
> repos in this scenario are simply copies of the "master master" repo
> that someone has manually verified and signed-off on, with of course a
> PGP signature.
> If you feel like volunteering to maintain one of these repos, you may
> find my Litecoin v0.8.3.7 audit report to be a useful template:
> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=265582.0

I'm not interested in volunteer, I'm interested in getting paid, and the
best way I believe I can accomplish that is use *my* bitcoin address in a
signature-transaction of the code I've reviewed.

What is the advantage of PGP? Far more people have ECDSA public-private 
keys than PGP keys.

Troy Benjegerdes                 'da hozer'                  ho...@hozed.org
7 elements      earth::water::air::fire::mind::spirit::soul        grid.coop

      Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel,
         nor try buy a hacker who makes money by the megahash

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