Referring to the subsidy for miners as "wasting it on miners" isn't going to
garner you much favor.
On May 20, 2014 11:12:53 AM CDT, Stephen Reed <> wrote:
>I completed a whitepaper for Bitcoin a proof-of-stake version which
>uses a single nomadic verifiable mint agent and distributed replication
>of a single blockchain by compensated full nodes to achieve 6-hop,
>sub-second transaction acknowledgement times. Plus it pays dividends to
>holders instead of wasting it on miners. Subsidized transaction fees
>are thus lower.
>Because the code is not yet written, this idea is half-baked so to
>speak. Comments appreciated on my project thread, which will be a
>development diary. I plan a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain in
>early 2016, after a year of public system testing, and conditioned on
>wide approval.
>Stephen L. Reed
>Austin, Texas, USA
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