> Submitted with humility and some fear of getting laughed out of here...
Off topic aside, a bunch of us have lately started to think about the
atmosphere on this list and how to improve it. Nobody should have to fear
getting flamed or laughed at for proposing ideas, even if they turn out to
be silly ones. Gavin talked about this in his Bitcoin 2014 keynote and
asked for someone to solve the forum trolling problem.
I don't know if there are any silver bullets per se, but:
1) Please do keep ideas coming. It's easy to mute threads in any good mail
client for people who don't care. If anyone gets too aggressive, the rest
of us will remind them that this is unacceptable.
2) If you're willing to become a list moderator, please get in touch. Gavin
and I are looking for neutral people who are willing to keep up with this
list and help ensure the debate is civilised. Ideally moderation is not
necessary, but that's what we tried so far and we keep getting consistent
feedback from lots of people that it's not working.
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