I wonder if you need to take into consideration the fact that there might
be another "bad" pool (in the 1-Q part of the network) running the same
strategy and also holding on to two blocks of their own? Once they find
their third block before you do, then your 2 blocks lead is gone instantly.
Jannes Faber
Elevate BV
t: +31 20 636 9977
m: +31 6 5342 9669
On 7 November 2013 04:44, Peter Todd <p...@petertodd.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 01:06:47PM -0500, Christophe Biocca wrote:
> > I might try building this sometime soon. I think it may also serve an
> > educational purpose when trying to understand the whole network's
> behaviour.
> >
> > What level of accuracy are we looking for though? Obviously we need to
> > fully emulate the steps of the network protocol, and we need to be able
> to
> > specify time taken for transmission/processing for each node. Do we care
> > about the actual contents of the messages (to be able to simulate double
> > spend attempts, invalid transactions and blocks, SPV node communication),
> > and their validation (actual signatures and proof of work)?
> >
> > I imagine the latter is pretty useless, beyond specifying that the
> > signature/proof of work is valid/invalid.
> >
> > If we could build up a set of experiments we'd like to run on it, it
> would
> > help clarify what's needed.
> >
> > Off the top of my head:
> >
> > - Peter Todd's miner strategy of sending blocks to only 51% of the
> > hashpower.
> Speaking of, I hadn't gotten around to doing up the math behind that
> strategy properly; turns out 51% I was overly optimistic and the actual
> threshold is 29.3%
> Suppose I find a block. I have Q hashing power, and the rest of the
> network 1-Q. Should I tell the rest of the network, or withhold that
> block and hope I find a second one?
> Now in a purely inflation subsidy environment, where I don't care about
> the other miners success, of course I should publish. However, if my
> goals are to find *more* blocks than the other miners for whatever
> reason, maybe because transaction fees matter or I'm trying to get
> nLockTime'd announce/commit fee sacrifices, it gets more complicated.
> There are three possible outcomes:
> 1) I find the next block, probability Q
> 2) They find the next block, probability 1-Q
> 2.1) I find the next block, probability Q, or (1-Q)*Q in total.
> 2.2) They find the next block, probability (1-Q)^2 in total.
> Note how only in the last option do I lose. So how much hashing power do
> I need before it is just as likely that the other miners will find two
> blocks before I find either one block, or two blocks? Easy enough:
> Q + (1-Q)*Q = (1-Q)^2 -> Q^2 - Q + 1/2 -> Q = (1 - \sqrt(2))/2
> Q ~= 29.2%
> So basically, if I'm trying to beat other miners, once I have >29.3% of
> the hashing power I have no incentive to publish the blocks I mine!
> But hang on, does it matter if I'm the one who actually has that hashing
> power? What if I just make sure that only >29.3% of the hashing power
> has that block? If my goal is to make sure that someone does useless
> work, and/or they are working on a lower height block than me, then no,
> I don't care, which means my original "send blocks to >51% of the
> hashing power" analysis was actually wrong, and the strategy is even
> more crazy: "send blocks to >29.3% of the hashing power" (!)
> Lets suppose I know that I'm two blocks ahead:
> 1) I find the next block: Q (3:0)
> 2) They find the next block: (1-Q) (2:1)
> 2.1) I find the next block: (1-Q)*Q (3:1)
> 2.2) They find the next block: (1-Q)^2 (2:2)
> 2.2.1) I find the next block: (1-Q)^2 * Q (3:2)
> 2.2.2) They find the next block: (1-Q)^3 (2:3)
> At what hashing power should I release my blocks? So remember, I win
> this round on outcomes 1, 2.1, 2.2.1 and they only win on 2.2.2:
> Q + (1-Q)*Q + (1-Q)^2*Q = (1-Q)^3 -> Q = 1 - 2^-3
> Q ~= 20.6%
> Interesting... so as I get further ahead, or to be exact the group of
> miners who have a given block gets further ahead, I need less hashing
> power for my incentives to be to *not* publish the block I just found.
> Conversely this means I should try to make my blocks propagate to less
> of the hashing power, by whatever means necessary.
> Now remember, none of the above strategy requires me to have a special
> low-latency network or anything fancy. I don't even have to have a lot
> of hashing power - the strategy still works if I'm, say, a 5% pool. It
> just means I don't have the incentives people thought I did to propagate
> my blocks widely.
> The other nasty thing about this, is suppose I'm a miner and recently
> got a block from another miner: should I forward that block, or not
> bother? Well, it depends: if I have no idea how much of the hashing
> power has that block, I should forward the block. But again, if my goal
> is to be most likely to get the next block, I should only forward in
> such a way that >30% of the hashing power has the block.
> This means that if I have some information about what % already has that
> block, I have less incentive to forward! For instance, suppose that
> every major miner has been publishing their node addresses in their
> blocks - I'll have a pretty good idea of who probably has that most
> recent block, so I can easily make a well-optimized decision not to
> forward. Similarly because the 30% hashing power figure is the
> *integral* of time * hashes/second, if miners are forwarding
> near-target-headers, I might as well wait a few seconds and see if I see
> any near-target-headers; if I do for this block then I have evidence
> that hashing power does have it, and I shouldn't forward.
> So yeah, we're fucked and have got to fix this awful incentive structure
> somehow before the inflation subsidy gets any smaller. Also, raising the
> blocksize, especially by just removing the limit, is utter madness given
> it can be used to slow down block propagation selectively, so the
> hashing power that gets a given block is limited repeatably to the same
> group.
> P.S: If any large pools want to try this stuff out, give me a shout. You
> have my PGP key - confidentiality assured.
> P.P.S: If you're mining on a pool with more than, like, 1% hashing
> power, do the math on varience... Seriously, stop it and go mine on a
> smaller pool, or better yet, p2pool.
> --
> 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org
> 00000000000000078b970f5134bae96da021744f80e04aa9dc2e2d2c2bcb07c2
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