> Since this process would necessarily be somewhat manual and would of
> course be "undone" anytime the user changed his/her profile image, it is
> probably not a solution for everyone.
I guess these days most Facebook/G+/Twitter users are logged in from their
smartphone , so you'd implement it as a mobile app that gets API access via
the standard mobile frameworks. The UI flows for this are highly optimised
and very slick. Once you have API access to read/write the users profile
picture, your app can just wake up from time to time and check if the users
profile picture has changed. If it did, download the highest resolution
available, rewatermark and reupload.
The main sticking point I can see is that the user might end up losing
comments or likes on their primary photo, which would upset some people,
and they might end up with duplicates if the old one was not erased. The
Facebook API docs are notoriously poor - it's unclear to me whether an app
can edit a photo after it was uploaded, or whether it can only create new
ones (deleting photos requires whitelisting by Facebook).
To read the users watermarked address requires no API access or account,
Probably you wouldn't want to watermark an actual Bitcoin address or key.
The capacity of social network photos to carry stegod data is very low due
to the incredibly high compression they go through. More likely you'd
encode a very short URL which contains a payment request and then users
would rotate their key from time to time at the hosting site.
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