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pynode is a simple bitcoin P2P client, based on ArtForz' half-a-node,
which maintains a blockchain database and TX memory pool.

It is intended to be a useful base for another projects, such as
network monitoring nodes.

At present, it is mainly for developers and not end users.  Here is
what pynode does NOT do:

*    RPC
*    key management (wallet)
*    script verification
*    chain re-org

Here are the limited things that pynode can do at present:

*    Outgoing TCP connection to a single remote P2P node
*    Initial blockchain download
*    Maintain a transaction memory pool, with TX's removed as they are
confirmed in blocks
*    Maintain an indexed blockchain database

Over time it will become more capable, but this is an alpha quality
release for developers at present.

Contributions welcome!  It is intended to become a full, wallet-less
node over time (though if somebody wanted to contribute a wallet
module, that is OK too)

Jeff Garzik
exMULTI, Inc.

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