On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 09:30:16PM +0000, Tom Briar via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I've been working on a way to compress bitcoin transactions for transmission 
> throughsteganography, satellite broadcasting,
> and other low bandwidth channels with high CPU availability on decompression.
> [compressed_transactions.md](https://github.com/TomBriar/bitcoin/blob/2023-05--tx-compression/doc/compressed_transactions.md)
> In the document I describe a compression schema that's tailored for the most 
> common transactions single parties are likely to make.
> In every case it falls back such that no transaction will become malformed or 
> corrupted.
> Here's a PR for implementing this schema.
> [2023 05 tx compression](https://github.com/TomBriar/bitcoin/pull/3)

Hey Tom,

Thank you for posting this. Could you put together a chart with some
size numbers so we can get a picture of how strong this compression is?

I understand that because this is targeted at stego/satellite
applications where the user is expected to "shape" their transaction,
that you won't get great numbers if you just look at the historical
chain or try to analyze "average" transactions. But it would be great to
post a chart with uncompressed/compressed sizes for "optimum"
transactions. At the very least, a 2-in-2-out wpkh transaction, and a
2-in-2-out Taproot transaction.

Since the scheme includes explicit support for p2sh-wpkh and p2pkh it
would also be great to see numbers for those, though they're less common
and less interesting.


Andrew Poelstra
Director of Research, Blockstream
Email: apoelstra at wpsoftware.net
Web:   https://www.wpsoftware.net/andrew

The sun is always shining in space
    -Justin Lewis-Webster

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