I appreciate your questions, ZmnSCPxj.

I will answer your second question first: Mainchain nodes do not ever validate 
sidechain blocks. Sidechain nodes watch Bitcoin for invalid withdrawals, and 
publish signed attestations to a public broadcast network (such as Nostr) that 
a transaction is making an invalid withdrawal. These sidechain nodes are the 
so-called sentinels.

Bitcoin full nodes wishing to participate in holding miners accountable for 
stealing will watch the public broadcast network for attestations of improper 
withdrawals and treat those transactions as de facto invalid, thus forking 
violating miners off the network. In this way, launching a Sentinel chain 
mimics a user-activated soft fork, but without any changes to Bitcoin Core 
consensus logic.

Bitcoin full nodes would choose their own limited set of sidechain validators 
to trust. They might run their own sidechain node and trust that result 
exclusively. They might instead choose to trust a set of high quality community 
members such as companies, etc.

A downside to this method are the same as the difficulties of launching a soft 
fork. Making sure enough nodes (or miners) are on board to enforce the new 
rules prior to launch of a sidechain, or a minority of users will fork off the 
network. Additionally, maintaining a healthy network of sentinels for a 
sidechain is an additional angle to consider. 

The upside of this method is that sidechains can be user-activated, not just 
miner-activated like under the BIP-300 framework. And it allows Bitcoin full 
nodes to hold miners accountable for obeying the sidechain withdrawal rules.


To answer your first question: When you say the sentinel chain software, are 
you asking what would happen if the sidechain developers create malicious code 
in sidechain node software? I suppose that would depend on the upgrade process 
of the sidechain, but the maximum fallout from malicious Sentinel chains is the 
exact same as any other sidechain proposal: the sidechain users get rugged.

The concept behind Sentinel chains puts no restriction on how sentinel chains 
may operate, only how the “difficult” part of launching a 2WP sidechain, 
peg-outs from sidechain to mainchain, may work without advanced cryptographic 
techniques such a ZKPs.

Ryan (ursuscamp on twitter)

> On Aug 28, 2023, at 9:48 AM, ZmnSCPxj <zmnsc...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning Ryan,
> If I modify your Sentinel Chain open-source software so that it is honest for 
> 999 sidechain blocks, then lies and says that the 1000th block is invalid 
> even though it actually is, what happens?
> Do mainchain nodes need to download the previous 999 sidechain blocks, run 
> the sidechain rules on them, and then validate the 1000th sidechain block 
> itself?
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj

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