Hi Bitcoin Developers,

I think its possible to use [package relay][0] for DoS attack in coinjoin. A 
few other projects could also be affected by packages. Since its a proposal 
that adds new P2P messages, transaction relay etc. its as important as any soft 
fork. Let me know if I am missing something.

Consider there are 2 coinjoin implementations: A and B

1) Register input in A
2) Double spend same input with zero fee to your own address
3) Register unconfirmed UTXO from 2 in B
4) B relays a package in which coinjoin transaction (child) pays for 2 (parent)

Users and coinjoin implementation B, both are incentivized to attack in this 

Attacker could also use a different approach and register same input in A, B 
although there are some tradeoffs:

- If input gets included in a coinjoin transaction broadcasted by A, there is 
nothing much B can do about it. RBF with multiple users isn't easy and costly.
- Implementation with less users participating in a round would have an 

[0]: https://gist.github.com/sdaftuar/8756699bfcad4d3806ba9f3396d4e66a

floppy disk guy

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