Hi all,

I apologize for a couple of oversights in my last e-mail.

The first is that m_B can't be committed as-is in the contract's
embedded data, with the current semantics of OP_COCV, which
only allows 32-byte values. A solution could be to store its
hash SHA256(m_B), instead.

(I didn't test the Scripts, so there could be other bugs − hopefully the
general idea is clear, anyway)

On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 15:11, Salvatore Ingala <salvatore.ing...@gmail.com>

> If the internal_pubkey is a musig-aggregated key of Alice and Bob,
> the game can be settled entirely offline after the first transaction.
> Simply, Bob communicates his move to Alice, Alice reveals her move to
> Bob, and they can settle the bet. The game would be played without
> any script being executed, therefore all transactions could look like
> any other P2TR, with the only possible fingerprinting being due to the
> input amounts.

This is incomplete: Alice can't trust Bob by revealing her move, as
he could then cheat on-chain and play a different move.

The fix should be straightforward, after adding the requirement that the
internal pubkey of [S1] is a musig2 of both players.
After Bob reveals his move (say, Rock), Alice will only agree to continue
the game off-chain if Bob pre-signs transactions for the state [S1] (where
m_B = Paper, and m_B = Scissors) that send all the money to Alice.
This guarantees that a cheating Bob is punished.

Salvatore Ingala
bitcoin-dev mailing list

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