Please see: "A Bitcoin NFT system" "The purpose of this proposal is to propose a simple NFT system based on the Bitcoin blockchain, assuming that the main purpose of a NFT is to be sold/bought, but not only, it can be something that you keep for yourself proving your ownership on the blockchain, or something that you offer to someone else, the advantages compared to using Ethereum or any blockchain/sidechain on both networks (or others) will be explained below"
And the continuation: "A Universal Coin Swap system based on bitcoin" "The purpose here is to propose a simple Coin Swap decentralized system based on Bitcoin but that works for all blockchains/tokens" The idea is to propose something simple, that people can understand, secured, decentralized, easy to implement/use, not expensive for the users, unlike Ethereum solutions, showing also that bitcoin can easily do in a much more simple manner what ethereum is doing It's a bit similar to Lightning but not as sophisticated, basically the proof of deals are stored in OP_RETURN (looks trivial, yes, but unlike other solutions the proposals store a real proof and does not flood the bitcoin network with funny stuff, it could be turned into bitcoin contracts which most likely will not be recognized as standard), we cannot enforce everything like Lightning but the trust here is more based on a reputation model, and same as Lightning the cheater just lose its bitcoin or get tagged as a cheater, will be tracked and might assume the consequences later As written, I am a fan of Lightning but see it more as a middle/long term relationship between people since coins must be locked into a multisig transaction while here we are more talking about a one time deal, where you don't know if you will buy something else to the seller, with which coin and where (metaverse for example) For your review and comments, here or in private, no real inventions here but some non usual ideas like the double hash, the third party and others, solving also one of my personal problematic since years: "how to sell a secret NFT?" In any case it remains decentralized (but of course some tools/wallets must ease the process for the users), like Lightning, and unlike everything that is existing today in those areas to my knowledge, except Lightning again Regards Aymeric -- Sophia-Antipolis, France CV: LinkedIn: GitHub : A Universal Coin Swap system based on Bitcoin: A bitcoin NFT system: Move your coins by yourself (browser version): Bitcoin transactions made simple: torrent-live: node-Tor : Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist: Peersm : _______________________________________________ bitcoin-dev mailing list