------- Original Message -------
On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 at 3:49 PM, Erik Aronesty <e...@q32.com> wrote:
>> I think it's pretty clear that the "competitive nature of PoW" is not
>> referring to verification nodes
> cool, so we can agree there is no accepted centralization pressure for
> validating nodes then
The centralization produced by PoW only affects miners. the rest of nodes are
freely distributed.
in the producer-consumer view consumers (blockchain builders) are
satisfactorily distributed. It can't be said so about miners(block producers),
who form a quite centralized subsystem with only a handful major pools
producing blocks.
>> layers also add fees to users
> source? i feel like it's obvious that the tree-like efficiencies should
> reduce fees, but i'd appreciate your research on that topic
systems(layers) where abuse is controlled by fees add up each one a cost.
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 9:25 AM mm-studios <m...@mm-studios.com> wrote:
>> ------- Original Message -------
>> On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 at 2:16 PM, Erik Aronesty <e...@q32.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> A) to not increase the workload of full-nodes
>>> yes, this is critical
>>>> given the competitive nature of PoW itself
>>> validating nodes do not compete with PoW, i think maybe you are not sure of
>>> the difference between a miner and a node
>>> nodes do validation of transactions, they do this for free, and many of
>>> them provide essential services, like SPV validation for mobile
>> I think it's pretty clear that the "competitive nature of PoW" is not
>> referring to verification nodes (satoshi preferred this other word).
>>> B) to not undermine L2 systems like LN.
>>> yes, as a general rule, layered financial systems are vastly superior. so
>>> that risks incurred by edge layers are not propagated fully to the inner
>>> layers. For example L3 projects like TARO and RGB are building on lightning
>>> with less risk
>> layers also add fees to users
>>> On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 12:04 PM mm-studios <m...@mm-studios.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks all for your responses.
>>>> so is it a no-go is because "reduced settlement speed is a desirable
>>>> feature"?
>>>> I don';t know what weights more in this consideration:
>>>> A) to not increase the workload of full-nodes, being "less difficult to
>>>> operate" and hence reduce the chance of some of them giving up which would
>>>> lead to a negative centralization effect. (a bit cumbersome reasoning in
>>>> my opinion, given the competitive nature of PoW itself, which introduce an
>>>> accepted centralization, forcing some miners to give up). In this case the
>>>> fact is accepted because is decentralized enough.
>>>> B) to not undermine L2 systems like LN.
>>>> in any case it is a major no-go reason, if there is not intention to speed
>>>> up L1.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> M
>>>> ------- Original Message -------
>>>> On Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 at 3:24 PM, Erik Aronesty <e...@q32.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> currently, a miner produce blocks with a limited capacity of
>>>>>> transactions that ultimately limits the global settlement throughput to
>>>>>> a reduced number of tx/s.
>>>>> reduced settlement speed is a desirable feature and isn't something we
>>>>> need to fix
>>>>> the focus should be on layer 2 protocols that allow the ability to hold &
>>>>> transfer, uncommitted transactions as pools / joins, so that layer 1's
>>>>> decentralization and incentives can remain undisturbed
>>>>> protocols like mweb, for example
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 7:34 AM mm-studios via bitcoin-dev
>>>>> <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Bitcoin devs,
>>>>>> I'd like to share an idea of a method to increase throughput in the
>>>>>> bitcoin network.
>>>>>> Currently, a miner produce blocks with a limited capacity of
>>>>>> transactions that ultimately limits the global settlement throughput to
>>>>>> a reduced number of tx/s.
>>>>>> Big-blockers proposed the removal of limits but this didn't come with
>>>>>> undesirable effects that have been widely discussed and rejected.
>>>>>> The main feature we wanted to preserve is 'small blocks', providing
>>>>>> 'better network effects' I won't focus on them.
>>>>>> The problem with small blocks is that, once a block is filled
>>>>>> transactions, they are kept back in the mempool, waiting for their turn
>>>>>> in future blocks.
>>>>>> The following changes in the protocol aim to let all transactions go in
>>>>>> the current block, while keeping the block size small. It requires
>>>>>> changes in the PoW algorithm.
>>>>>> Currently, the PoW algorithm consists on finding a valid hash for the
>>>>>> block. Its validity is determined by comparing the numeric value of the
>>>>>> block hash with a protocol-defined value difficulty.
>>>>>> Once a miner finds a nonce for the block that satisfies the condition
>>>>>> the new block becomes valid and can be propagated. All nodes would
>>>>>> update their blockchains with it. (assuming no conflict resolution
>>>>>> (orphan blocks, ...) for clarity).
>>>>>> This process is meant to happen every 10 minutes in average.
>>>>>> With this background information (we all already know) I go on to
>>>>>> describe the idea:
>>>>>> Let's allow a miner to include transactions until the block is filled,
>>>>>> let's call this structure (coining a new term 'Brick'), B0. [brick=block
>>>>>> that doesn't meet the difficulty rule and is filled of tx to its full
>>>>>> capacity]
>>>>>> Since PoW hashing is continuously active, Brick B0 would have a nonce
>>>>>> corresponding to a minimum numeric value of its hash found until it got
>>>>>> filled.
>>>>>> Fully filled brick B0, with a hash that doesn't meet the difficulty
>>>>>> rule, would be broadcasted and nodes would have it on in a separate fork
>>>>>> as usual.
>>>>>> At this point, instead of discarding transactions, our miner would start
>>>>>> working on a new brick B1, linked with B0 as usual.
>>>>>> Nodes would allow incoming regular blocks and bricks with hashes that
>>>>>> don't satisfy the difficulty rule, provided the brick is fully filled of
>>>>>> transactions. Bricks not fully filled would be rejected as invalid to
>>>>>> prevent spam (except if constitutes the last brick of a brickchain,
>>>>>> explained below).
>>>>>> Let's assume that 10 minutes have elapsed and our miner is in a state
>>>>>> where N bricks have been produced and the accumulated PoW calculated
>>>>>> using mathematics (every brick contains a 'minimum hash found', when a
>>>>>> series of 'minimum hashes' is computationally equivalent to the network
>>>>>> difficulty is then the full 'brickchain' is valid as a Block.
>>>>>> This calculus shall be better defined, but I hope that this idea can
>>>>>> serve as a seed to a BIP, or otherwise deemed absurd, which might be
>>>>>> possible and I'd be delighted to discover why a scheme like this
>>>>>> wouldn't work.
>>>>>> If it finally worked, it could completely flush mempools, keep
>>>>>> transactions fees low and increase throughput without an increase in the
>>>>>> block size that would raise other concerns related to propagation.
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> I look forward to your responses.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Marcos Mayorgahttps://twitter.com/KatlasC
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