On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 03:17:51AM +0000, alicexbt via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> > And the
> > impression I got from the PR review club discussion more seemed like
> > devs making assumptions about businesses rather than having talked to
> > them (eg "[I] think there are fewer and fewer businesses who absolutely
> > cannot survive without relying on zeroconf. Or at least hope so").
> Even I noticed this since I don't recall the developers of the 3 main 
> coinjoin implementations that are claimed to be impacted by opt-in RBF making 
> any remarks.

FYI I personally asked Max Hillebrand from Wasabi about full-rbf last night.
He gave me permission to republish our conversation:

    > Hey, I wanted to know if you had any comments on full-rbf re: wasabi?

    Doesn't really affect us, afaik
    The cj doesn't signal rbf right now
    And I guess it's a DoS vector if any input double spent will be relayed 
after successful signing
    But we have way bigger / cheaper DoS vectors that don't get "exploited"
    So probably doesn't matter
    Wasabi client handles replacements / reorgs gracefully, so should be alright
    We don't yet "use" rbf in the sense of fee bumping tx, but we should / will 

I haven't asked Joinmarket yet. But the impact on their implementation should
be very similar.

https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org

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