Good morning Ruben and Veleslav,

> Hi Veleslav,
> This is something I've been interested in.
> What you need is a basic merkle sum tree (not sparse), so if e.g. you want to 
> burn 10, 20, 30 and 40 sats for separate use cases, in a single tx you can 
> burn 100 sats and commit to a tree with four leaves, and the merkle proof 
> contains the values. E.g. the rightmost leaf is 40 and has 30 as its 
> neighbor, and moves up to a node of 70 which has 30 (=10+20) as its neighbor, 
> totalling 100.
> The leaf hash needs to commit to the intent/recipient of the burn, so that 
> way you can't "double spend" the burn by reusing it for more than one purpose.
> You could outsource the burn to an aggregating third party by paying them 
> e.g. over LN but it won't be atomic, so they could walk away with your 
> payment without actually following through with the burn (but presumably take 
> a reputational hit).

If LN switches to PTLCs (payment points/scalars), it may be possible to ensure 
that you only pay if they release an opening of the commitment.


Rather than commit using a Merkle tree, you can do a trick similar to what I 
came up with in `OP_EVICT`.

Suppose there are two customers who want to commit scalars `a` and `b`, and the 
aggregating third party has a private key `k`.
The sum commitment is then:

   a * G + b * G + k * G

The opening to show that this commits to `a` is then:

   a, b * G + k * G, sign(b + k, a)

...where `sign(k, m)` means sign message `m` with the private key `k`.
Similarly the opening for `b` is:

   b, a * G + k *G, sign(a + k, b)

The ritual to purchase a proof goes this way:

* Customer provides the scalar they want committed.
* Aggregator service aggregates the scalars to get `a + b + ....` and adds 
their private key `k`.
* Aggregator service reveals `(a + b + ... + k) * G` to customer.
* Aggregator creates an onchain proof-of-burn to `(a + b + ... + k) * G`.
* Everyone waits until the onchain proof-of-burn is confirmed deeply enough.
* Aggregator creates the signatures for each opening for `a`, `b`,.... of the 
* Aggregator provides the corresponding `R` of each signature to each customer.
* Customer computes `S = s * G` for their own signature that opens the 
* Customer offers a PTLC (i.e. pay for signature scheme) that pays in exchange 
for `s`.
* Aggregator claims the PTLC, revealing the `s` for the signature.
* Customer now has an opening of the commitment that is for their specific 

WARNING: I am not a cryptographer, I only portray one on bitcoin-dev.
There may be cryptographic failures in the above scheme.

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