Typical P2PK looks like that: "<signature> <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG". In a typical 
scenario, we have "<signature>" in out input and "<pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG" in our 
output. I wonder if it is possible to use covenants right here and right now, 
with no consensus changes, just by requiring a specific signature. To start 
with, I am trying to play with P2PK and legacy signatures, but it may turn out, 
that doing such things with Schnorr signatures will be more flexible and will 
allow more use cases.

The simplest "pay to signature" script I can think of is: "<signature> OP_SWAP 
OP_CHECKSIG". Then, any user can provide just a "<pubkey>" in some input, as a 
part of a public key recovery. The problem with such scheme is that it is 
insecure. Another problem is that we should handle it carefully, because 
signatures are removed from outputs. However, we could replace it with some 
signature hash, then it will be untouched, for example: "OP_TOALTSTACK OP_DUP 

And then, signatures are more flexible than public keys, because we can use 
many different sighashes to decide, what kind of transaction is allowed and 
what should be rejected. Then, if we could use the right signature with correct 
sighashes, it could be possible to disable key recovery and require some 
specific public key, then that scheme could be safely used again. I still have 
no idea, how to complete that puzzle, but it seems to be possible to use that 
trick, to restrict destination address. Maybe I should wrap such things in some 
kind of multisig or somehow combine it with OP_CHECKSIGADD, any ideas?

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