Good morning Russell,

> Setting aside my thoughts that something like Simplicity would make a better 
> platform than Bitcoin Script (due to expression operating on a more narrow 
> interface than the entire stack (I'm looking at you OP_DEPTH)) there is an 
> issue with namespace management.
> If I understand correctly, your implication was that once opcodes are 
> redefined by an OP_RETURN transaction, subsequent transactions of that opcode 
> refer to the new microtransaction.  But then we have a race condition between 
> people submitting transactions expecting the outputs to refer to the old code 
> and having their code redefined by the time they do get confirmed  (or worse 
> having them reorged).

No, use of specific microcodes is opt-in: you have to use a specific `0xce` 
Tapscript version, ***and*** refer to the microcode you want to use via the 
hash of the microcode.

The only race condition is reorging out a newly-defined microcode.
This can be avoided by waiting for deep confirmation of a newly-defined 
microcode before actually using it.

But once the microcode introduction outpoint of a particular microcode has been 
deeply confirmed, then your Tapscript can refer to the microcode, and its 
meaning does not change.

Fullnodes may need to maintain multiple microcodes, which is why creating new 
microcodes is expensive; they not only require JIT compilation, they also 
require that fullnodes keep an index that cannot have items deleted.

The advantage of the microcode scheme is that the size of the SCRIPT can be 
used as a proxy for CPU load ---- just as it is done for current Bitcoin SCRIPT.
As long as the number of `UOP_` micro-opcodes that an `OP_` code can expand to 
is bounded, and we avoid looping constructs, then the CPU load is also bounded 
and the size of the SCRIPT approximates the amount of processing needed, thus 
microcode does not require a softfork to modify weight calculations in the 

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