> I think largeblock sidechains should be reconsidered:
> * They are not a blocksize increase.

This is short sighted. They would absolutely be a blocksize increase for
those following a large block sidechain. While sure, it wouldn't affect
bitcoin users who don't follow that sidechain, its misleading to call it
"not a blocksize increase" for everyone.

> * They allow users to be different. Some can pay more (for more 
> decentralization), some less (for less decentralization).

> gambling the entire future of BTC, on the premise that strong 
> decentralization will always be needed at all points in time.

Decentralization isn't just something where more is more valuable and
less is less valuable. Decentralization is either enough to stop a
class of attack or its not. Its pretty binary. If the decentralization
is not enough, it would be a pretty huge catastrophe for those
involved. Its pretty clear that making the blocksize eg 10 times
larger is a poor design choice. So advocating for such a thing on a
sidechain is just as bad as advocating for it on an altcoin.

Even if people only put a couple satoshis in such a sidechain at a
time, and don't feel the loss very much, the *world* would feel the
loss. Eg if everyone had $1 in such a system, and someone stole it
all, it would be a theft of billions of dollars. The fact that no
individual would feel much pain would make it not much less harmful to

> We can learn from past mistakes -- when a new largeblock sidechain is needed, 
> we can make a new one from scratch, using everything we know.

If there's some design principles that *allow* for safely increasing the
blocksize substantially like that, then I'd advocate for it in bitcoin. But
the goal of sidechains should not be "shoot from the hip and after everyone
on that sidechain gets burned we'll have learned valuable lessons". That's
not how engineering works. That's akin to wreckless human experimentation.

On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 1:25 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <
bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> Good morning again Paul,
> > With sidechains, changing the ownership set requires that the sidechain
> produce a block.
> > That block requires a 32-byte commitment in the coinbase.
> > What is more, if any transfers occur on the sidechain, they cannot be
> real without a sidechain block, that has to be committed on the mainchain.
> The above holds if the mainchain miners also act as sidechain validators.
> If they are somehow separate (i.e. blind merge mining), then the
> `OP_BRIBE` transaction needed is also another transaction.
> Assuming the sidechain validator is using Taproot as well, it needs the
> 32+1 txin, a 64-byte signature, a 32-byte copy of the sidechain commitment
> that the miner is being bribed to put in the coinbase, and a txout for any
> change the sidechain validator has.
> This is somewhat worse than the case for channel factories, even if you
> assume that every block, at least one channel factory has to do an
> onboarding event.
> > Thus, while changing the membership set of a channel factory is more
> expensive (it requires a pointer to the previous txout, a 64-byte Taproot
> signature, and a new Taproot address), continuous operation does not
> publish any data at all.
> > While in sidehchains, continuous operation and ordinary payments
> requires ideally one commitment of 32 bytes per mainchain block.
> > Continuous operation of the sidechain then implies a constant stream of
> 32-byte commitments, whereas continuous operation of a channel factory, in
> the absence of membership set changes, has 0 bytes per block being
> published.
> >
> > We assume that onboarding new members is much rarer than existing
> members actually paying each other in an actual economy (after the first
> burst of onboarding, new members will only arise in proportion to the birth
> rate, but typical economic transactions occur much more often), so
> optimizing for the continuous operation seems a better tradeoff.
> Perhaps more illustratively, with channel factories, different layers have
> different actions they can do, and the only one that needs to be broadcast
> widely are actions on the onchain layer:
> * Onchain: onboarding / deboarding
> * Channel Factory: channel topology change
> * Channel: payments
> This is in contrast with merge-mined Sidechains, where *all* activity
> requires a commitment on the mainchain:
> * Onchain: onboarding / deboarding, payments
> While it is true that all onboarding, deboarding, and payments are
> summarized in a single commitment, notice how in LN-with-channel-factories,
> all onboarding / deboarding is *also* summarized, but payments *have no
> onchain impact*, at all.
> Without channel factories, LN is only:
> * Onchain: onboarding / deboarding, channel topology change
> * Channel: payments
> So even without channel factories there is already a win, although again,
> due to the large numbers of channels we need, a channel factory in practice
> will be needed to get significantly better scaling.
> Finally, in practice with Drivechains, starting a new sidechain requires
> implicit permission from the miners.
> With LN, new channels and channel factories do not require any permission,
> as they are indistinguishable from ordinary transactions.
> (the gossip system does leak that a particular UTXO is a particular
> published channel, but gossip triggers after deep confirmation, at which
> point it would be too late for miners to censor the channel opening.
> The miners can censor channel closure for published channels, admittedly,
> but at least you can *start* a new channel without being censored, which
> you cannot do with Drivechain sidechains.)
> Regards,
> ZmnSCPxj
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