Hi Jack,

> The main purpose of this Fund is to defend developers from lawsuits regarding 
>their activities in the Bitcoin ecosystem, including finding and retaining 
>defense counsel, developing litigation strategy, and paying legal bills. This 
>is a free and voluntary option for developers to take advantage of if they so 
>wish. The Fund will start with a corps of volunteer and part-time lawyers. The 
>board of the Fund will be responsible for determining which lawsuits and 
>defendants it will help defend.

Thanks for helping the developers in legal issues. Appreciate your efforts and 
I understand your intentions are to help Bitcoin in every possible way.

Positives that I see in this initiative:

1.Developers don't need to worry about rich scammers and can focus on 

2.Financial help for developers as legal issues can end up in wasting lot of 
time and money.

3.People who have misused courts to affect bitcoin developers will get better 
response that they deserve.

I had few suggestions and feel free to ignore them if they do not make sense:

1.Name of this fund could be anything and 'The Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund' can 
be confusing or misleading for newbies. There is nothing official in Bitcoin 
however people believe things written in news articles and some of them might 
consider it as an official bitcoin legal fund.

2.It would be better if people involved in such important funds do not 
comment/influence soft fork related discussions. Example: Alex Morcos had some 
opinions about activation mechanism during Taproot soft fork IIRC.


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