As said before, you are free to create the BIP in your own repository
and bring it to discussion on the mailing list. then you can do a PR

Lonero Foundation via bitcoin-dev
<> escreveu no dia sábado,
6/03/2021 à(s) 08:58:
> I know Ethereum had an outlandishly large percentage of nodes running on AWS, 
> I heard the same thing is for Bitcoin but for mining. Had trouble finding the 
> article online so take it with a grain of salt. The point though is that both 
> servers and ASIC specific hardware would still be able to benefit from the 
> cryptography upgrade I am proposing, as this was in relation to the 
> disinfranchisemet point.
> That said, I think the best way to move forward is to submit a BIP pull 
> request for a draft via GitHub using BIP #2's draft format and any questions 
> people have can be answered in the reqeust's comments. That way people don't 
> have to get emails everytime there is a reply, but replies still get seen as 
> opposed to offline discussion. Since the instructions say to email 
> bitcoin-dev before doing a bip draft, I have done that. Since people want to 
> see the draft beforehand and it isn't merged manually anyways, I think it is 
> the easiest way to handle this.
> I'm also okay w/ continuing the discussion on bitcoin-dev but rather form a 
> discussion on git instead given I don't want to accidentally impolitely 
> bother people given this is a moderated list and we already established some 
> interest for at least a draft.
> Does that seem fine?
> Best regards, Andrew
> On Fri, Mar 5, 2021, 7:41 PM Keagan McClelland <> 
> wrote:
>> > A large portion of BTC is already mined through AWS servers and non-asic 
>> > specific hardware anyways. A majority of them would benefit from a hybrid 
>> > proof, and the fact that it is hybrid in that manner wouldn't 
>> > disenfranchise currently optimized mining entities as well.
>> My instincts tell me that this is an outlandish claim. Do you have 
>> supporting evidence for this?
>> Keagan
>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 3:22 PM Lonero Foundation via bitcoin-dev 
>> <> wrote:
>>> Actually I mentioned a proof of space and time hybrid which is much 
>>> different than staking. Sorry to draw for the confusion as PoC is more 
>>> commonly used then PoST.
>>> There is a way to make PoC cryptographically compatible w/ Proof of Work as 
>>> it normally stands:
>>> It has rarely been done though given the technological complexity of being 
>>> both CPU compatible and memory-hard compatible. There are lots of benefits 
>>> outside of the realm of efficiency, and I already looked into numerous 
>>> fault tolerant designs as well and what others in the cryptography 
>>> community attempted to propose. The actual argument you have only against 
>>> this is the Proof of Memory fallacy, which is only partially true. Given 
>>> how the current hashing algorithm works, hard memory allocation wouldn't be 
>>> of much benefit given it is more optimized for CPU/ASIC specific mining. 
>>> I'm working towards a hybrid mechanism that fixes that. BTW: The way 
>>> Bitcoin currently stands in its cryptography still needs updating 
>>> regardless. If someone figures out NP hardness or the halting problem the 
>>> traditional rule of millions of years to break all of Bitcoin's 
>>> cryptography now comes down to minutes. Bitcoin is going to have to 
>>> eventually radically upgrade their cryptography and hashing algo in the 
>>> future regardless. I want to integrate some form of NP complexity in 
>>> regards to the hybrid cryptography I'm aiming to provide which includes a 
>>> polynomial time algorithm in the cryptography. More than likely the first 
>>> version of my BTC hard fork will be coded in a way where integrating such 
>>> complexity in the future only requires a soft fork or minor upgrade to its 
>>> chain.
>>> In regards to the argument, "As a separate issue, proposing a hard fork in 
>>> the hashing algorithm will invalidate the enormous amount of capital 
>>> expenditure by mining entities and disincentivize future capital 
>>> expenditure into mining hardware that may compute these more "useful" 
>>> proofs of work."
>>> A large portion of BTC is already mined through AWS servers and non-asic 
>>> specific hardware anyways. A majority of them would benefit from a hybrid 
>>> proof, and the fact that it is hybrid in that manner wouldn't 
>>> disenfranchise currently optimized mining entities as well.
>>> There are other reasons why a cryptography upgrade like this is beneficial. 
>>> Theoretically one can argue BItcoin isn't fully decentralized. It is few 
>>> unsolved mathematical proofs away from being entirely broken. My goal 
>>> outside of efficiency is to build cryptography in a way that prevents such 
>>> an event from happening in the future, if it was to ever happen. I have 
>>> various research in regards to this area and work alot with distributed 
>>> computing. I believe if the BTC community likes such a proposal, I would 
>>> single handedly be able to build the cryptographic proof myself (though 
>>> would like as many open source contributors as I can get :)
>>> Anyways just something to consider. We are in the same space in regards to 
>>> what warrants a shitcoin or the whole argument against staking.
>>> Best regards,  Andrew
>>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 4:11 PM Keagan McClelland 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> It is important to understand that it is critical for the work to be 
>>>> "useless" in order for the security model to be the same. If the work was 
>>>> useful it provides an avenue for actors to have nothing at stake when 
>>>> submitting a proof of work, since the marginal cost of block construction 
>>>> will be lessened by the fact that the work was useful in a different 
>>>> context and therefore would have been done anyway. This actually degrades 
>>>> the security of the network in the process.
>>>> As a separate issue, proposing a hard fork in the hashing algorithm will 
>>>> invalidate the enormous amount of capital expenditure by mining entities 
>>>> and disincentivize future capital expenditure into mining hardware that 
>>>> may compute these more "useful" proofs of work. This is because any change 
>>>> in the POW algorithm will be considered unstable and subject to change in 
>>>> the future. This puts the entire network at even more risk meaning that no 
>>>> entity is tying their own interests to that of the bitcoin network at 
>>>> large. It also puts the developers in a position where they can be bribed 
>>>> by entities with a vested interest in deciding what the new "useful" proof 
>>>> of work should be.
>>>> All of these things make the Bitcoin network worse off.
>>>> Keagan
>>>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 1:48 PM Lonero Foundation via bitcoin-dev 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Also in regards to my other email, I forgot to iterate that my 
>>>>> cryptography proposal helps behind the efficiency category but also 
>>>>> tackles problems such as NP-Completeness or Halting which is something 
>>>>> the BTC network could be vulnerable to in the future. For sake of 
>>>>> simplicity, I do want to do this BIP because it tackles lots of the 
>>>>> issues in regards to this manner and can provide useful insight to the 
>>>>> community. If things such as bigger block height have been proposed as 
>>>>> hard forks, I feel at the very least an upgrade regarding the hashing 
>>>>> algorithm and cryptography does at least warrant some discussion. Anyways 
>>>>> I hope I can send you my BIP, just let me know on the preferred format?
>>>>> Best regards, Andrew
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2021, 10:12 AM Lonero Foundation 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, this isn't about the energy efficient argument in regards to 
>>>>>> renewables or mining devices but a better cryptography layer to get the 
>>>>>> most out of your hashing for validation. I do understand the 
>>>>>> arbitrariness of it, but do want to still propose a document. Do I use 
>>>>>> the Media Wiki format on GitHub and just attach it as my proposal?
>>>>>> Best regards, Andrew
>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2021, 10:07 AM Devrandom <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ryan and Andrew,
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 5:42 AM Ryan Grant via bitcoin-dev 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>     "Nothing is Cheaper than Proof of Work"
>>>>>>>>     on | 04 Aug 2015
>>>>>>> Just to belabor this a bit, the paper demonstrates that the mining 
>>>>>>> market will tend to expend resources equivalent to miner reward.  It 
>>>>>>> does not prove that mining work has to expend *energy* as a primary 
>>>>>>> cost.
>>>>>>> Some might argue that energy expenditure has negative externalities and 
>>>>>>> that we should move to other resources.  I would argue that the 
>>>>>>> negative externalities will go away soon because of the move to 
>>>>>>> renewables, so the point is likely moot.
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