Good morning Prayank,

> 1.  The spending tx of multisig can be decided earlier and all three can 
> review the outputs involved in it. All 3 txs involved in the system if we 
> consider only one mixer and not a chain will get confirmed in the same block 
> as we are using CPFP so child pays for 2 parent txs. However, disputes are 
> possible and to manage it we will have to make the system complex with things 
> like Peer 1 locking some amount in a 2 of 2 multisig with Peer 2 or some 
> other incentives structure. Initially we can try to keep it simple and a way 
> to spend coins after coinjoin with the help of another person you trust.

The payee is not necessary here and you can remove the intermediate 
transactions that pay to 2-of-3s.

> 2.  Yes, you described coinjoin in joinmarket but the problem I am trying to 
> solve is: spend coins after coinjoin because post-mix usage is as important 
> as coinjoin. Some users dont follow the best practices after coinjoin and it 
> makes coinjoin useless or less effective in that case and sometimes for 
> others involved in the process as well.


I already mentioned this, but what I am describing is *how JoinMarket spends 
coins from its wallet*.

That means that what I am describing is *how JoinMarket performs spends after 
mixing, i.e. post-mix*.

I was not describing how JoinMarket performs mixing.

Is that clearer now?

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