Good morning Dustin,

> Wouldn’t a revealed private key for time locked funds create a race to spend? 
> I imagine miners who are paying attention would have the advantage but it 
> would still just be a race.

If Bitcoin had implemented RBF "properly" (i.e. not have the silly "opt-out" 
rule) then such races are won by bidding up the fees.  A random person who is 
not the original staker would be willing to pay miners a fee up to the entire 
staked amount minus dustlimit satoshis; obviously a staker would be far less 
willing to pay up such a fee, so the random person slashing the funds would 
have a major advantage in that race.
Thus the race will be won by whoever mines the highest-fee transaction.
It still becomes very unlikely that the staker will win unless the staker 
already has a significant mining hashpower (and if the staker has significant 
hashpower, then the Bitoin layer itself is at peril anyway, never mind 
sidechains built on top of it).


> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 6:14 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev 
> <> wrote:
> > Good Morning Matt,
> >
> > > ### ZmnSCPxj,
> > >
> > > I'm intrigued by this mechanism of using fixed R values to prevent 
> > > multiple signatures, but how do we derive the R values in a way where 
> > > they are
> > unique for each blockheight but still can be used to create signatures or 
> > verify?
> >
> > One possibility is to derive `R` using standard hierarchical derivation.
> > Then require that the staking pubkey be revealed to the sidechain network 
> > as actually being `staking_pubkey = P + hash(P || parent_R) * G` (possibly 
> > with some trivial protection against Taproot).
> > To sign for a blockheight `h`, you must use your public key `P` and the 
> > specific `R` we get from hierarchical derivation from `parent_R` and the 
> > blockheight as index.
> >
> > Regards,
> > ZmnSCPxj
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> > bitcoin-dev mailing list
> >
> >

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