
I worked on the BIP 171
<https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0171.mediawiki> and I
created Cerise <http://www.cerise.tech/> (github
<https://github.com/straumat/cerise>) that provides the following artifacts

   - BIP-0171 specifications <http://www.cerise.tech/#specifications>.
   - A mocked BIP-0171 compliant server available online
   <http://api.cerise.tech/swagger-ui.html> you can use to understand the
   API and make calls.
   - A mocked BIP-0171 compliant server as a Java application
   <https://github.com/straumat/cerise-server-mock/> you can use to develop
   your client application.
   - A mocked BIP-0171 compliant server as a Docker image
   <https://hub.docker.com/r/straumat/cerise-server-mock/> you can use to
   develop your client application.
   - A BIP-0171 library <https://github.com/straumat/cerise/> to transform
   your application in a BIP-0171 server.
   - A server template project
   <https://github.com/straumat/cerise-server-template> to quickly write
   your implementation and automatically produce your BIP-0171 server.
   - A collection of client libraries <http://www.cerise.tech/#clients> to
   call any BIP-0171 compliant server with your favorite language.

I made some proposal of evolutions here :

I hope it helps and if you have any suggestion on how I could help more,
let me know.
*Stéphane Traumat*
bitcoin-dev mailing list

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