Hi William, Andrew, list,

As noted by William there are some types missing in the global-types 
definition, because the number of each map for I/O must be known to the parser 
in order to use the correct definitions for the types. At the moment a parser 
reading a key-value record does not know whether it should read it as per-input 
type or per-output, a way to address this is to declare in advance the number 
of maps and ensure they are ordered (inputs first). If you haven't already 
worked out some types for that i propose using:

Number of inputs
- key (None, only the type): PSBT_GLOBAL_INPUT_NUMBER = 0x01  
- value: Varint 

Number of outputs
- key (none, only the type): PSBT_GLOBAL_OUTPUT_NUMBER = 0x02
- value: Varint

On another note I think we can set a hard limit on the size of the PSBT, 
currently is 'legal' to produce a very large PSBT with an excessive number of 
Inputs and Outputs. By excessive I mean that even in the best case scenario 
(using the smallest possible scriptPubKey as in P2WPKH) it is possible to 
create a PSBT that would certainly create an invalid transaction (because of 
its size) when finalized. I haven't found anything related to this in the 
previous discussions, please ignore this if it was already proposed/discussed.

Cheers, Andrea.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On June 27, 2018 8:09 AM, William Casarin via bitcoin-dev 
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> ​​
> Hey Andrew,
> If I'm reading the spec right: the way it is designed right now, you
> could create hundreds of thousands of zero bytes in the input or output
> key-value arrays. As far as I can tell this would be considered valid,
> as it is simply a large array of empty dictionaries. Is this right? I'm
> worried about buffer overflows in cases where someone sends a large blob
> of zeros to an unsuspecting implementation.
> Also, the extensibility section reads:
> > Additional key-value maps with different types for the key-value pairs
> > 
> > can be added on to the end of the format.
> "different types for the key-value pairs", is this referring to new
> types beyond the current global, input and output types?
> > The number of each map that follows must be specified in the globals
> > 
> > section
> Is this out of date? Since there is only one type in the global section
> now (tx).
> > so that parsers will know when to use different definitions of the
> > 
> > data types
> I'm not sure what this means.
> Thanks!
> Will
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