Its mostly a problem for exchanges and miners. Those entities need to
be on the network 100% of the time because they are using the network
100% of the time. A normal wallet user isn't taking payments every few
minutes like the exchanges are. "Getting booted off the network" is
not something to worry about for normal wallet users.

If miners aren't up to date, that is the biggest problem. A sudden
drop in hashpower will effect the network for all users, including
normal wallet users (by them having to wait longer for confirmations).
Miners must not be booted off the network ever. Hashpower voting is
the best way to make sure this never happens.

On 2/6/16, Tom Zander via bitcoin-dev
<> wrote:
> On Saturday, February 06, 2016 06:09:21 PM Jorge Timón via bitcoin-dev
> wrote:
>> None of the reasons you list say anything about the fact that "being
>> lost"
>> (kicked out of the network) is a problem for those node's users.
> That's because its not.
> If you have a node that is "old" your node will stop getting new blocks.
> The node will essentially just say "x-hours behind" with "x" getting larger
> every hour. Funds don't get confirmed. etc.
> After upgrading the software they will see the new reality of the network.
> Nobody said its a problem, because its not.
> --
> Tom Zander
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