After the meeting I find a softfork solution. It is very inefficient and
I am leaving it here just for record.
1. In the first output of the second transaction of a block, mining pool
will commit a random nonce with an OP_RETURN.
2. Mine as normal. When a block is found, the hash is concatenated with
the committed random nonce and hashed.
3. The resulting hash must be smaller than 2 ^ (256 - 1/64) or the block
is invalid. That means about 1% of blocks are discarded.
4. For each difficulty retarget, the secondary target is decreased by 2
^ 1/64.
5. After 546096 blocks or 10 years, the secondary target becomes 2 ^
252. Therefore only 1 in 16 hash returned by hasher is really valid.
This should make the detection of block withholding attack much easier.
All miners have to sacrifice 1% reward for 10 years. Confirmation will
also be 1% slower than it should be.
If a node (full or SPV) is not updated, it becomes more vulnerable as an
attacker could mine a chain much faster without following the new rules.
But this is still a softfork, by definition.
ok, back to topic. Do you mean this?
Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev 於 2015-12-19 13:42 寫到:
At the recent Scaling Bitcoin conference in Hong Kong we had a chatham
house rules workshop session attending by representitives of a super
majority of the Bitcoin hashing power.
One of the issues raised by the pools present was block withholding
attacks, which they said are a real issue for them. In particular,
are receiving legitimate threats by bad actors threatening to use block
withholding attacks against them. Pools offering their services to the
general public without anti-privacy Know-Your-Customer have little
defense against such attacks, which in turn is a threat to the
decentralization of hashing power: without pools only fairly large
hashing power installations are profitable as variance is a very real
business expense. P2Pool is often brought up as a replacement for
but it itself is still relatively vulnerable to block withholding, and
in any case has many other vulnerabilities and technical issues that
prevented widespread adoption of P2Pool.
Fixing block withholding is relatively simple, but (so far) requires a
SPV-visible hardfork. (Luke-Jr's two-stage target mechanism) We should
do this hard-fork in conjunction with any blocksize increase, which
have the desirable side effect of clearly show consent by the entire
ecosystem, SPV clients included.
Note that Ittay Eyal and Emin Gun Sirer have argued(1) that block
witholding attacks are a good thing, as in their model they can be used
by small pools against larger pools, disincentivising large pools.
However this argument is academic and not applicable to the real world,
as a much simpler defense against block withholding attacks is to use
anti-privacy KYC and the legal system combined with the variety of
withholding detection mechanisms only practical for large pools.
Equally, large hashing power installations - a dangerous thing for
decentralization - have no block withholding attack vulnerabilities.
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