
I am seeking some expert feedback on an idea for scaling Bitcoin. As a
brief introduction: I work in the payment industry and I have twenty years'
experience in development. I have some experience with process groups and
ordering protocols too. I think I understand Satoshi's paper but I admit I
have not read the source code.

The idea is to run more than one simultaneous chain, each chain defeating
double spending on only part of the coin. The coin would be partitioned by
radix (or modulus, not sure what to call it.) For example in order to
multiply throughput by a factor of ten you could run ten parallel chains,
one would work on coin that ends in "0", one on coin that ends in "1", and
so on up to "9".

The number of chains could increase automatically over time based on the
moving average of transaction volume.

Blocks would have to contain the number of the partition they belong to,
and miners would have to round-robin through partitions so that an attacker
would not have an unfair advantage working on just one partition.

I don't think there is much impact to miners, but clients would have to
send more than one message in order to spend money. Client messages will
need to enumerate coin using some sort of compression, to save space. This
seems okay to me since often in computing client software does have to
break things up in equal parts (e.g. memory pages, file system blocks,) and
the client software could hide the details.

Best wishes for continued success to the project.


P.S. I found a funny anagram for SATOSHI NAKAMOTO: "NSA IS OOOK AT MATH"
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