On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 04:26:23PM -0400, Matt Whitlock wrote:
> On Tuesday, 25 August 2015, at 1:16 pm, Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> > What would you think of an approach like John Dillon's proposal to
> > explicitly give the economic majority of coin holders a vote for the max
> > blocksize? Miners could still vote BIP100 style for what max they were
> > willing to use, limited in turn by the vote of the economic majority.
> What fraction of coin holders do you suppose will vote? And, of those, what 
> fraction have the technical knowledge to make an informed vote? It would be 
> like polling Toyota truck owners to see whether the 2017 Tacoma should 
> increase its engine's cylinder displacement by 10%. Ordinary users just 
> aren't going to be able to vote meaningfully, and most won't respond to the 
> poll at all.

Note that you can make the % of voters required adapt dyanmically to voter
interest. Also, your example is rather misleading, as car buyers *do*
make those kinds of decisions though various market mechanisms. Equally,
you can make the same criticism of democracy in general.

An interesting idea would be to design a voting mechanism such that only
users with access to validating nodes be able to vote - a fundemental
requirement for users to fully participate in Bitcoin's goverance.


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