
If you want to write such baseless acusations and inflamatory phrases, please 
do it somewhere else. We should have the highest respect for what these people 
are doing, and we should try to do something constructive, not waste time with 
anger and disrespect.

Nobody should be forced to do anything. People like you will not force me or 
anyone else to run code for your controversial hard fork just because you think 
the future will be bright with huge blocks. Just like the developers will not 
force you to continue running code implementing the current consensus rules.

The developers are not telling you what to do, they are trying to do what they 
consider is best for the ecosystem given their technical abilities.


În data de L, 17.8.15, NxtChg via bitcoin-dev 
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> a scris:

 Subiect: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Annoucing Not-BitcoinXT
 Către: jyel...@toothandmail.com, bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
 Data: Luni, 17 August 2015, 13:09
 >Announcing Not-BitcoinXT
 > "This version can be
 used to protect the status quo until real technical
 consensus is formed about the blocksize."
 > "...real technical
 You mean
 the bunch of self-proclaimed Bitcoin wizards, who decided
 they have the right to tell everybody what to do, and who
 never got to grow up and are now angry at the world for not
 listening to them anymore? That "technical
 "Bitcoin is decentralized, but you are
 only allowed to do what we tell you to do. It's our pet
 project, we wrote code for it!"
 That's what it all boils down to, all these
 dirty games of calling XT an alt-coin and censoring its
 posts, pretending to be Satoshi, sabotaging XT switch, etc.:
 "How dare they not listen to Us The Smartest
 The history will roll over you in a blink. The harder you
 try, the quicker it will go.
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