You are correct.  It is also counterproductive to take cheap shots at
vendors in order to garner consulting revenue.  Measuring risk in a
systematic way against known metrics is the way to go.  Tweeting,
blogging, and drama are generally counterproductive.

When the issue is raised most of the developers shun the idea so until
some of the developers become mature and experienced you will be left
with all this teenager nonsense where everybody calls each other
"trolls" on Reddit instead of engaging in real risk analysis.

The twitter teenage nonsense from Todd is ridiculous: (warning, triggering)

Mike Hearn has mentioned a few times how Todd's habit of creating drama on twitter and reddit every time anyone wants to change something in Bitcoin in a way he doesn't like is driving away vendors. Openly commenting on a female developers cleavage on twitter, as well as referring to a female journalist as "naughty" is disgusting. Him constantly hitting on women developers in Bitcoin is driving away females.

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