> On Jul 23, 2015, at 12:35 PM, Gavin Andresen <gavinandre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Eric Lombrozo <elombr...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:elombr...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Mainstream usage of cryptocurrency will be enabled primarily by direct 
> party-to-party contract negotiation…with the use of the blockchain primarily 
> as a dispute resolution mechanism. The block size isn’t about scaling but 
> about supply and demand of finite resources. As demand for block space 
> increases, we can address it either by increasing computational resources 
> (block size) or by increasing fees. But to do the former we need a way to 
> offset the increase in cost by making sure that those who contribute said 
> resources have incentive to do so.
> There are so many things wrong with this paragraph I just can't let it slide.
> "Mainstream usage will be enabled primarily by..."  Maybe. Maybe not, we 
> don't know what use case(s) will primarily take cryptocurrency mainstream. I 
> believe it is a big mistake to pick one and bet "THIS is going to be the 
> winner".
> "we can address it either by... or..."  False dichotomy. There are lots of 
> things we can do to decrease costs, and a lot of things have ALREADY been 
> done (e.g. running a pruned full node).  I HATE the "it must be this or that" 
> "us or them" attitude, it fosters unproductive bickering and negativity.
> (and yes, I'm human, I'm sure you can find instances in the recent past where 
> I did it, too... mea culpa)
> --
> --
> Gavin Andresen

Regarding rhetoric, fair enough, Gavin - I’m human and I could be wrong. It is 
my educated best guess, a conclusion I’ve drawn given my understanding of 
computer science, economics, and what’s been happening in this space.

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