Note Jeff's proposal and Greg Maxwell's flexcap proposals also have a
growth limiter as a hard-cap and a mechanism for influencing a dynamic
cap within that envelope.

The hard-cap serves the purpose of a safety limit in case our
understanding about the economics, incentives or game-theory is wrong
worst case.

More comments to follow.


On 25 June 2015 at 15:50, Gareth Williams <> wrote:
> On 24 June 2015 1:49:51 PM AEST, Jeff Garzik <> wrote:
>>Miners can collude today to lower the block size limit.
> Of course they can. What, then, is the need for BIP100's hard-limit voting 
> mechanism?
> You only need consensus rules to enforce block size limits if you're 
> enforcing them _against_ miners. Which may be a perfectly valid thing to do 
> (if your threat model includes, for example, the possibility that large 
> miners deliberately create large blocks to gain an advantage over small 
> miners.) But BIP100 doesn't address that anyway.
> Wouldn't it be safer for consensus to get behind Gavin's simpler 8MB->8GB 
> hard-limit growth curve*, and then encourage miners to enforce a soft limit 
> below that, agreed through a voting mechanism? The later can be implemented 
> at any time without consensus changes -- nobody can prevent miners from 
> coordinating the max block size they'll build on anyway.
> * but with a safer "supermajority" than 75% please :)
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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